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Aloe Arborescens Cancer Protocol

The Aloe Arborescens Protocol for cancer has been around for many years. The protocol began in Brazil, then traveled to Europe and finally to America. The ingredients are honey, Aloe arborescens leaves, distillate (alcohol).

Theory: The protocol is designed to supercharge the immune system quickly. It is believed to safely get rid of cancer cells utilizing a carrier (honey) and Aloe is distillate and flood the body with super-nutrients supported by the cancer diet detailed below.

The Cancer Diet

The cancer diet should AVOID:

1) any meat product,

2) any dairy product, (though the Budwig Diet can be taken with this protocol),

3) any sugar, soda pop, diet soda pop, etc.,

The diet should consist of whole fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Plenty of water or other liquids should be consumed.

Here is the key cancer diet article:

The Cancer Diet

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