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Should alternative treatments and orthodox treatments be combined?

Why alternative treatments and orthodox treatments are sometimes combined

There are two reasons that cancer patients combine alternative treatments with orthodox treatments (this is sometimes called: Complementary or Integrative Medicine).

First, a person may secretly (or with his or her doctor's permission) take alternative treatment plans designed to treat cancer in conjunction with orthodox treatments. Their logic may be that two treatments for cancer is better than one.

But is it smart to take substances that are killing your immune system (orthodox) with substances that are trying to build your immune system (alternative)?

Second, people are mixing alternative treatments with orthodox treatments to treat the symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation. The type of natural treatments recommended by orthodox medicine to be used during chemotherapy to treat symptoms are generally designed only to mask the symptoms of chemotherapy, and if they extend life, it is only a coincidence.

The types of alternative treatments used in the first case are vastly different than the kinds of alternative treatments used in the second case.

It is very, very important that you understand the difference between using alternative treatments with orthodox medicine, versus using alternative treatments instead of orthodox medicine.

You may be wondering whether alternative treatments should be combined with orthodox treatments, or if you should ask whether orthodox treatments should be combined with alternative treatments?

In other words, you have several choices:

  • First, take chemotherapy treatments and radiation therapy and nothing else.
  • Second, take chemotherapy treatments and radiation treatments and alternative treatments designed to kill the cancer cells, stop the spreading of cancer, etc.
  • Third, take chemotherapy treatments and radiation treatments and alternative treatments designed to mask the symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Fourth, take alternative treatments designed to treat cancer instead of chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Fifth, take nothing.

A theory behind why people get cancer is that their  immune system is too weak to routinely kill cancer cells and stop the metastasisThe spread of cancer cells from the place where they first formed to another part of the body. In metastasis, cancer cells break away from the original (primary) tumor, travel through the blood or lymph system, and form a new tumor in other organs or tissues of the body. The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lung, the cancer cells in the lung are breast cancer cells, not lung cancer cells. of the cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation further destroy a patient's immune system. Is that good? Chemotherapy and radiation do not stop the spread of cancer. Is that good? Chemotherapy and radiation do not kill all of the cancer cells, and what cancer cells remain, have no immune system to kill them, thus they can proliferate uncontrollably. What about alternative therapies? How do you know what to do? Consult scientific studies and survival rates.

Food for thought….

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