Keith Scott-Mumby, MB ChB – Cancer Tutor The Future of Cancer Research Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:00:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fight cancer with mushrooms (yes, mushrooms!) Tue, 30 Oct 2018 19:01:54 +0000 Conventional cancer treatment can be devastating to the human body. The “cut, poison, burn” techniques come with substantial risks short-term and haven’t had much success long-term with keeping patients cancer-free. Can you fight cancer with mushrooms? You can if you’re talking about the Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushroom. Native to hot and humid areas around Asia, […]

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Conventional cancer treatment can be devastating to the human body. The “cut, poison, burn” techniques come with substantial risks short-term and haven’t had much success long-term with keeping patients cancer-free. Can you fight cancer with mushrooms?

You can if you’re talking about the Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushroom. Native to hot and humid areas around Asia, this fungus is a formidable health ally for all sorts of health ailments.

  • Modulates and boosts the immune system
  • Wards off heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Calms the nerves and improves mood
  • Eases allergies
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Protects the lungs (particularly regarding asthma and bronchitis)
  • Improves kidney health
  • Helps alleviate extreme fatigue
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Provides powerful antioxidant properties [1]

However, the pure awesomeness of mushrooms is particularly crucial for those with a high risk of cancer, currently fighting cancer, or working to remain free of the disease.

Therapies using mushrooms fight cancer in four specific ways:

  1. Stimulates the immune system
  2. Helps immune cells bind to tumor cells
  3. Reduces the number of cancer cells (cytotoxic effect)
  4. Slows down cancer cell growth

Different compounds found in Reishi are responsible for each of these effects.  Even Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center states on its website:

“Reishi mushroom contains complex sugars known as beta-glucans.  Lab studies suggest that these compounds may help stop the growth and spread of cancer cells.  When animals were fed beta-glucans, some cells of their immune system became more active.” [2]

The Japanese government officially recognizes mushroom cancer therapy as a treatment. Professor Vladimir Katanaev, Dr.Habil, Ph.D., lead author of the study from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), stated, “In ancient China, mushrooms were considered as the most effective treatment for the various types of tumors.  Contemporary fungotherapy (treatment using mushrooms) represents a promising field for scientific research.  The natural chemical compounds contained in fungi have a huge therapeutic and particularly the anti-cancer potential that has not been yet fully studied.” [3]

Multiple studies from around the globe have shown the actual effectiveness of Reishi mushrooms to fight cancer. Meanwhile, in the United States, mushroom cancer therapy is ridiculed as some sort of a hoax or quack therapy.

It isn’t “crazy” to fight cancer with any and all tools available to you.

There are many incredible benefits of mushrooms, and I’ve written extensively on them. It seems that scientists worldwide are finally seeing the light with these valuable fungi.

Researchers with the Department of Biotechnology at Lovely Professional University in India did a review of mushrooms to fight cancer. They stated, “The current anti-cancer drugs available in the market are not target-specific and pose several side-effects and complications in the clinical management of various forms of cancer, which highlights the urgent need for novel effective and less-toxic therapeutic approaches. In this context, some prized mushrooms with validated anti-cancer properties and their active compounds are of immense interest.”

They went on to conclude, “Medicinal mushrooms represent a growing segment of today’s pharmaceutical industry owing to the plethora of useful bioactive compounds. While they have a long history of use across diverse cultures, they are backed up by reasonable scientific investigation now. Mycologists around the world, firmly believe that a greater knowledge of mushroom can ameliorate many forms of cancers at various stages.” [4]

When five mushrooms were evaluated by researchers with Helfgott Research Institute at the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, they stated:

“As the treatment of various cancers continues to evolve, mushrooms should be considered as an adjunct therapy. It will be increasingly important that integrative clinicians work with oncologists to determine the appropriate treatment for each individual. Research into underlying mechanisms of mushrooms will continue to help in devising new strategies for treating cancer, preventing its long-term complications, and increasing survival.”

Anything that can potentially save a patient’s life (even if it seems “crazy” to fight cancer with mushrooms) must be considered. If it does no harm – and may help or heal – it should not be dismissed as “quack” medicine.

It is the ultimate arrogance to do so. That arrogance has led to millions of unnecessary deaths. Doctors trained to treat cancer exclusively with the cut-poison-burn methods they learned in medical school have casually mocked means that might have saved lives.

Every method (conventional or alternative) will not work for every patient. Some survive with conventional cancer therapies, but many patients are told their case is “hopeless,” and in that case, they must try any and all treatments to win the fight against this disease.

It’s time the mainstream medical community embraced methods that work with nature – and the patient’s own body – to beat this killer. If that means you add Reishi mushrooms to your cancer-fighting regimen, don’t hesitate to do it!

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Phage Therapy: Beneficial bacteria that boost your immune system (and lower cancer risk) Thu, 23 Aug 2018 01:20:11 +0000 Could deliberately pumping beneficial bacteria into the human body improve health? You bet! The technical word is a bacteriophage (which means “eater of bacteria”) or phage for short. [1]  These special viruses can boost your immune system naturally, safely, and effectively because they are a virus that infects (and destroys) other bacteria. [2] It’s possible to […]

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Could deliberately pumping beneficial bacteria into the human body improve health?

You bet! The technical word is a bacteriophage (which means “eater of bacteria”) or phage for short. [1]  These special viruses can boost your immune system naturally, safely, and effectively because they are a virus that infects (and destroys) other bacteria. [2]

It’s possible to harness these little fighters for deliberate use — essentially pumping phages into a person challenged with a bacterial infection. This is called phage therapy.

In a study published in the Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy journal, researchers stated: “Bacteriophages are highly specific and very effective in lysing [dissolving] targeted pathogenic bacteria, safe as underscored by their extensive clinical use, and rapidly modifiable to combat the emergence of newly arising bacterial threats.” [3]

It’s a viable alternative to antibiotics. [4]

I’ve written extensively about the rising threat of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The World Health Organization didn’t mince words. “Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.” [5]


Did You Know

Free Resources

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
Sign up now!

The history of Phage Therapy

Phages were first identified by English microbiologist Frederick Twort in 1915 and again in 1917 by French Canadian microbiologist Felix d’Herelle. During the next decade, they were used to successfully treat dysentery, cholera, and staphylococcal skin disease.

During World War II, military physicians in Russia used phage therapy to treat wounds and gangrene.

The idea has been kept alive in Russia and Eastern Bloc countries, where phage therapies are used regularly. There was even some interest in the West, but after the discovery of antibiotics in the 1930s and 40s, doctors and scientists lost interest. (This was the case with the Rife machine and other antibiotic alternatives as well.)

Today, with the collapse of antibiotics and the emergence of dangerous drug-resistant bacteria, phage therapy is being re-introduced. Phage therapy has many potential applications in human medicine as well as dentistry, veterinary science, and agriculture.

There may come a time when your life (or the life of a loved one) will depend on billions of beneficial bacteria let loose in your body! People need to get over their natural revulsion at a virus infection. There are good guys out there! We have even developed oncolytic viruses, meaning they destroy cancer cells.

The specificity of beneficial bacteria

Bacteriophages are much more specific than antibiotics because one phage will only attack and “eat” one particular bacteria and no other. Each infection requires a particular phage to treat it. Phage mixtures are often applied to improve the chances of success. Samples can be taken of an infection and an appropriate phage identified and grown.

They’re considered harmless to the host organism (human, animal, or plant), but also to other beneficial bacteria (such as gut flora), thus reducing the chances of opportunistic infections. Their high safety factor means much fewer possible side effects.

Another big advantage is that, since phages replicate inside the patient, a smaller effective dose can be used initially and a repeat dose may be unnecessary.

At present, phages are being used to treat bacterial infections that do not respond to conventional antibiotics. They’re also effective for piercing the polysaccharide layer of biofilms that antibiotics are unable to penetrate.

Keith Scott-Mumby

“People need to get over their natural revulsion at a virus infection. There are good guys out there!”

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Phage Therapy and cancer

As I’ve written for years, the conventional cancer treatment methods of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation (cut-poison-burn) are simply not the right choice for every patient. That’s why so many millions continue to die each year.

It has been well established that cancer has an immunological component — because your body is wired to destroy cancer cells before they take root. This is something your immune system does (and does well) every minute of every day. If it didn’t, we’d all be overtaken by the mutated or damaged cells inside our bodies at a much higher rate.

There were two eye-opening studies done in the past few years on phage therapy that caught my eye and enticed me into deeper study.

Researchers with the Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy in Poland summarized their findings as follows: “Bacteriophages are a very differentiated group of viruses and at least some of them can influence cancer processes. Phages may also affect the immunological system. They activate the immunological response, for example, cytokine secretion. They can also switch the tumor microenvironment to one advantageous for anticancer treatment.” [6]

An additional study from Iran’s Department of Genetics at Tarbiat Modares University found even more reasons to include beneficial bacteria in cancer treatments. “[Bacteriophages’] genetic flexibility to go under a variety of surface modifications serves as a basis for phage display methodology. Moreover, the excellent safety profile of these viruses paves the way for their potential use as cancer gene therapy platforms. Beyond doubt, bacteriophages will play a more impressive role in the future of medical oncology.” [7]

Effective cancer therapies that use beneficial bacteria (instead of cell-destroying poison or radiation) have been possible since 1915 — but it wasn’t as flashy (or profitable) as other methods developed. We’re literally being backed into a corner with antibiotic resistance and have made little progress in cancer treatment that actually saves lives.

We must take another look at these safe and effective bacteriophages.

In the meantime, get yourself a copy of How To Survive In A World Without Antibiotics because you’re living in such a world already! Alternatives — such as phage therapy — will soon become the norm rather than the exception as our current antibiotics are rendered ineffective.

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The future of mankind threatened by GMO dangers Wed, 18 Jul 2018 22:38:56 +0000 Amidst the hot debate about the dangers of GMOs, one thing is certain: There’s a lot more we do not know about the long-term effects of genetically modified foods than we do know. That’s a fact. Even the manufacturers can’t deny it because all the government-accepted data pronouncing them “safe” has come from their in-house […]

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Amidst the hot debate about the dangers of GMOs, one thing is certain: There’s a lot more we do not know about the long-term effects of genetically modified foods than we do know.

That’s a fact.

Even the manufacturers can’t deny it because all the government-accepted data pronouncing them “safe” has come from their in-house researchers.

Keith Scott-Mumby

“With genetically modified foods deliberately hidden in our food supply, we face the likelihood of eating them for many years to come, maybe generations to come, and growing similar cancers.”

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

It’s ludicrous that they’ve literally flooded our food supply with chemically-altered foods without in-depth, long-term studies that determine how they’ll affect human beings on the cellular level a decade or century from now.

The independent research conducted is terrifying.  Corporations and the government (yes, the United States government) go out of their way to discredit and shut down the buzz about research gathered by scientists around the globe. However, one good thing about our too-connected modern world is that information is rather difficult to truly stop.

One thing that always fascinates me is that pro-GMO factions argue that we’ve been “modifying” foods for generations.  That’s only partially correct.

Yes, farmers modified crops by blending two types of grains or seeds to increase yield or make it sturdier or tastier. They didn’t do it in a lab and they didn’t splice together things that do not belong in food.  Much like crop-rotation, it was a method to protect their crops and the bottom line. It was natural – much like cross-pollination from one field to another – and there were no chemicals involved in the process.

What GMO manufacturers do is not the same thing at all.

These foods don’t just make you fat.  They inflame your tissues, shorten your life, and drastically increase your personal cancer risk.

Weight gain

A study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology shows that the dangers of GMOs are almost certainly contributing to the obesity epidemic. GM-foods cause inflammation and I have been at pains to repeatedly remind you that inflammation leads to obesity problems.

The test animals also showed increases in circulating glucose and triglycerides plus significant damage to major organs. Effects were mostly associated with the kidney and liver, the dietary detoxifying organs, but other effects were also noticed in the heart, adrenal glands, spleen, and hematopoietic (blood making) system. [1]

In another shocking study, pigs fed a diet of genetically engineered soy and corn showed a 267 percent increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GM diets. In males, the difference was even more pronounced at a 400 percent increase.

That GM foods are inflammatory in character is now beyond question.

The study was carried out during a 23-week period by eight researchers across Australia and the USA. It was published in the Journal of Organic Systems. [2]

The results were quickly attacked by the food industry and that should come as no surprise. It’s their standard operating procedure now. They sic their shill scientists (the same ones who went on record that GMOs were safe) on it to try and find details to criticize. From their standpoint, there must never be any acknowledgment of possible GMO dangers. They ignore the gathering tide of evidence or lie about it (and they do both very well).

These same denial/discredit tactics were used against another powerful and disturbing report published in 2012 in Food and Chemical Toxicology and written by Gilles-Eric Séralini.

The world was shocked by hideous photographs of rats fed on grains engineered to be tolerant of Monsanto’s infamous Roundup pesticide. The lab animals had grotesque tumors that had grown in just a matter of a few months. The implications for humans are appalling. [3]

Séralini’s study was cynically and systematically attacked. Séralini’s own website counters every single twisted and dishonest objection. [4]

With genetically modified foods deliberately hidden in our food supply, we face the likelihood of eating them for many years to come, maybe generations to come, and growing similar cancers.

The roadblocks by these corporations (and our own government who has been manipulated in the worst sense of the word) mean that it will take decades for change to be made.  By then, millions will have had long-term exposure to these foods.  Those results won’t be reversible.

Biotech Crops

You’re already consuming GM foods!

A new USDA-funded survey shows you're not alone.  Researchers from the Food Policy Institute at Rutgers' Cook College found that only 52 percent of Americans realized that genetically modified foods have already entered the food supply chain and being sold in grocery stores. [5]

The USA is the largest producer of genetically modified crops.  More than a dozen other countries around the world have latched on to the technology, including Argentina, Canada, China, Australia, India, and Mexico.  However, the Europeans are in an enviable position.  Their governments are fighting hard to stem the GM tide.

You may be shocked to learn that as much as 70% of processed foods in the United States contain genetically modified ingredients.  That’s right…if you eat a lot of processed foods, you are definitely consuming the dangers of GMOs.

The FDA holds to the line that these foods are safe. The recommendation that GM food is labeled so consumers could make an informed choice was rejected with their old standby (that I talked about at the start of this): “Genetically modified is an inappropriate term, in that all crop varieties have been modified by plant breeders.” [6] In an article published by Time, the author lists the most common genetically modified foods:

  • Corn
  • Soybean
  • Cotton
  • Tomato
  • Rapeseed
  • Potato
  • Papaya
  • Squash
  • Beet
  • Canola
  • Alfalfa
  • Rice
  • Flax
  • Apple
  • Plum
  • Sugarbeet
  • Tobacco

Time writers David Johnson and Siobhan O'Connor wrote, “To produce crops commercially, biotech companies apply for “deregulated status” – the green light from the USDA to plant and distribute without restriction.” [7]

Think about how many foods contain soy and corn alone. Soy is a common filler and high fructose corn syrup seems to be in everything from baby foods to snacks to prepared meals.

Then there are secondary foods that contain GM ingredients further down the line.

Meat is indirectly contaminated through GM feed.  Several studies have pointed out that this feed affects the milk cows produce.  According to the study, GM corn DNA was present in 25% of milk samples.  In other words, even if you steer clear of GM foods yourself, your animal products may be passing their synthetic diet along to you. [8]

Avoiding GMO dangers is near impossible

In the United States, the food supply line is already irretrievably contaminated.

Even supposed GMO-free crops would have (by now) become contaminated by cross-pollination with DNA from adjacent GM fields. Short of blowing every insect out of the atmosphere, this cross-contamination process will continue relentlessly.

Try to buy only quality organic, raw, grass-fed, or naturally pastured foods to minimize your personal exposure.

Be active. Be loud.

We must turn the tide for future generations of humanity.

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Let’s put an end to toxic cancer therapies Wed, 30 May 2018 19:53:35 +0000 I’ve always said that not all those involved in the cancer cash complex are horrible people. Some are truly looking for real answers and trying to save lives. Unfortunately, the use of toxic cancer therapies is what oncologists learn in medical school — and those blinders can be hard to shake. Still, I was shocked […]

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I’ve always said that not all those involved in the cancer cash complex are horrible people. Some are truly looking for real answers and trying to save lives. Unfortunately, the use of toxic cancer therapies is what oncologists learn in medical school — and those blinders can be hard to shake.

Still, I was shocked beyond belief when a conventional oncologist stated that cancer can be prevented and beaten with a fully-functioning immune system. This gives me great hope for others out there.

Jedd Wolchok (Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) led the trial I’m talking about. I think it opened the door for incredible progress in natural, effective, and far less dangerous ways to treat cancer. These new antibody therapies treat the patient, not the tumor.

Now, some researchers that I respect have been edging towards this theory for many years (the wheels of change move painfully slow). However, conventional medicine is profitable so, despite the deadly side effects and limited effectiveness, the cut-poison-burn techniques remain the go-to for oncologists.

I mentioned one of these approaches in Cancer Research Secrets. Tagging chemo with an antibody that carried it directly to the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells untouched. I admit, this method is far better. No toxic cancer therapies (chemo, radiation, or risky surgery) at all.

The right hero to beat an old villain

Unburdening your immune system is crucial to your whole-body health.

It is particularly effective in terms of the No. 2 killer in the world since you have thousands of potential cancer cells inside you at any given time.

It’s your immune system that takes care of them, destroying them before they have the chance to divide and spread out of control. This basic bodily function is your first line of defense when it comes to keeping cancer cells in check, no matter the tricks they play.

This new modality has been likened to re-booting the immune system.

Several patients with an advanced form of skin cancer have had their tumors completely disappear after treatment with new drugs that force tumor cells out of hiding. The patient’s own immune system can then recognize cancer and destroy it.

Results presented at one of the annual meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago showed how three antibodies can blow cancer’s cover.


Did You Know

Free Resources

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
Sign up now!

Details of this ‘new’ modality

Even the strongest, fully-functioning immune system can be outfoxed because cancerous cells find ways to camouflage themselves from your immunity army.

In a perfect scenario, cancer cells are spotted by T-cells — immune system fighters that recognize and destroy the foreign material in the body. However, these damaged cells have evolved. They’ve discovered the ability to hide by sprouting a surface molecule called a ligand.

The ligand binds to and activates a receptor on the T-cells called PD-1, which causes chaos within the immune system. The T-cells fail to recognize the cancer cell as foreign and are fooled into mistaking tumors for normal tissue.

If there was an antibody that blocked the ligand from latching onto the PD-1 receptor, that would drag cancers out into the open where they can be gunned down by a scrappy T-cell army!
As it turns out, there are two effective antibodies able to block the ligand camouflage. Once the technique has been mastered, it will surely lead to hundreds more.

  • Antibody No. 1 — Lambrolizumab: In a study featuring 135 people with advanced melanoma — the most deadly form of skin cancer — 54 of the tumors more than halved in volume after treatment. Even more excitingly, 6 tumors disappeared altogether in six of the 57 people who were given the highest dose of this drug.
  • Antibody No. 2 — Nivolumab: Tumors more than halved in size and significantly decreased in in 21 of 53 people with advanced melanoma who took the drug alongside another drug. Cancer vanished completely within 12 weeks in three of the 17 people who received the highest dose. The results showed themselves fairly quickly, sometimes in as little as three weeks, according to Jedd Wolchok, who led the trial.

These antibodies are entering larger trials involving participants who have skin, kidney, lung, and brain cancers. Unfortunately, it will take years for these treatments to come to the market.
Dr. Wolchok explained that what makes these antibody therapies so exciting is that unlike toxic cancer therapies, such as radio and chemotherapy, they work by reviving the power of the patient’s own immune system.

Your immune system is key

The best way to treat disease is to get your own body to fight for you. For years, I’ve described cancer as a disease of the immune system. Therefore, the most successful treatments will be those which focus on boosting its function.

Toxic cancer therapies used day after day on millions of patients have the opposite effect. They attack all your cells and decimate your immune system! If you try to poison cancer cells, you’re going to poison healthy cells, especially immune system cells.

When it comes to poison or radiation, you cannot kill only the cancer cells. It’s an all or nothing approach with ridiculously low results and survival statistics. And yet, they remain the primary “treatment” of the disease.

Approaching cancer using your immune system is smarter and clearly going to have better (and longer lasting) results. If you power up your immune system, you’re going to have the best possible chance of knocking out cancer permanently.

4 pillars to empowering your immune system naturally

  • Diet and nutrition
  • Oxygen boosters
  • Emotional cleansing
  • Chemical cleanup

In an article for the British science journal New Scientist, Wolchok explained that antibody therapies, alongside other emerging strategies for reviving the immune system, are opening up a fresh chapter in cancer treatment. One that could rapidly expand the number of people being cured of the disease. “The immune system can sculpt itself around the spectrum of changes that is part of the genetic instability of cancers,” he says.

Big pharma’s role in non-toxic cancer therapies

All of this is excellent news for patients fighting cancer. The issue is that these therapies are now good news and the end of toxic cancer therapies is in sight.

However, as they always do, the big pharmaceutical companies will inevitably capitalize on these discoveries, add some slick marketing, and push it far and wide. If the initial results of these antibody therapies remain constant and viable, they will become the primary treatment used by conventional medicine — and they’re going to charge a fortune for it.

While disturbing, even outright disgusting, that is their nature. Maybe it will be covered by some insurance plans but probably not mostly because of the cost. Other countries not caught in the U.S. patent trap will be able to offer it. The poor, those without health coverage, and patients with advanced cancers will be left out in the cold yet again.

Despite my pessimism (realism), there is a silver lining. Take an important lesson from these studies and treatments that cannot be ignored! Looking after your immune system, nurturing it, loving it, is the very best health strategy you can employ.

More than two decades ago, I wrote that you live as long as your immune system lets you.

Take good care of yours and read more about bolstering your immunity in my book Cancer Research Secrets – because you must take charge of your health yourself. Pharmaceutical companies and the conventional medicine complex will never help you prevent or fight cancer without great financial cost.

Learn what you can do without them!


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3 powerful herbs to help prevent cancer naturally Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:09:02 +0000 Why worry about naturally preventing cancer (or any other disease, for that matter)? Surely, it’s no longer necessary. After all, we live in an age of incredible medical and technological discoveries.  It’s truly amazing to see the advancements mankind has made in the last century alone. From reattaching limbs to organ transplants, we are truly […]

The post 3 powerful herbs to help prevent cancer naturally appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Why worry about naturally preventing cancer (or any other disease, for that matter)? Surely, it’s no longer necessary.

After all, we live in an age of incredible medical and technological discoveries.  It’s truly amazing to see the advancements mankind has made in the last century alone. From reattaching limbs to organ transplants, we are truly fortunate to live in the modern time that we do!

There’s a treatment or pill for just about everything that ails you …

Unfortunately, we’ve lost sight of the natural remedies that have been used (effectively) for thousands of years.  We may be able to treat illness and disease with more options but there are a lot more people getting sick!

Science has finally begun to realize there are limits to their accomplishments. There are some things that doctors and scientists just can’t do. All the advancements in the world aren’t as important as one single thing: Preventing cancer in the first place.

Outside of telling you to quit smoking, to drink less alcohol, or to protect your skin from the sun, prevention isn’t something that mainstream medicine focuses on. However, there’s another great benefit to living “now” as opposed to 100, 50, or even 20 years ago: Researchers around the globe are beginning to verify the benefits of natural medicine.

Once upon a time, before expensive treatments and pharmaceutical giants, there were men and women – healers and shamans – who took care of their communities. These early physicians did far more than bandage wounds and mend broken bones. They treated and prevented diseases with the bounty that nature provided.

At last, holistic methods of preventing disease are taking the spotlight. Some of these “miracles” have been around since the earliest civilizations. They aren’t “newly discovered” as the media makes it seem. These are ancient, effective ways to keep the human body healthy.

Many of these treatments and cures are still being used today. Some have only recently been discovered in the Western World. To read the headlines, you’d think they were entirely new!

Fight (and Prevent) Cancer with 3 Powerful Herbs

Cancer is one of the most feared, yet most common, diseases that plague humankind today.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there were 14 million new cases in 2012 alone.  It’s responsible for almost 9 million deaths annually. [1]

Anything you can do to prevent it must be part of your daily life.

You can be proactive, introducing natural cancer-fighters, and do everything you can to keep your doctor from ever diagnosing you with this fearsome disease. Following an anti-cancer diet is not only smart … it’s delicious!

Modern science has taken a big interest in the following three herbs. They stand out as natural preventatives, powerful cancer fighters, and have been part of holistic medicine practices for thousands of years.

A common ingredient in Asian cooking, turmeric is a spice used in herbal remedies in India, China, and Indonesia.  The active ingredient in turmeric is an antioxidant called curcumin. Turmeric has been used medicinally for nearly three thousand years.

The Mayo Clinic wrote, “Laboratory and animal research suggests that curcumin may prevent cancer, slow the spread of cancer, make chemotherapy more effective and protect healthy cells from damage by radiation therapy.” [2]

Often used for energy and pep, ginseng also relieves severe fatigue – a common side effect of traditional cancer treatments. [3] Your immune system responds well to ginseng – keeping you stronger and preventing the development of the disease in the first place.

A study at the School of Chinese Medicine – Hong Kong Baptist University – recently showed ginseng’s anti-tumor qualities. Though ginseng is a cancer killer, unlike traditional cancer therapies – it is selective. It kills cancer cells without harming healthy non-cancerous cells nearby. [4]

An important word of caution, ginseng is sometimes processed with ethanol. This causes it to have similar properties of estrogen.  High levels of estrogen can stimulate breast cancer. Be sure that the herbs and supplements you purchase are pure.

You may be familiar with lemongrass in tea or as a natural mosquito repellent. However, many people are unaware that citral – an extract of lemongrass – stimulates the process of apoptosis (cancer cell suicide) in laboratory tests. [5]

Aside from having a pleasant scent and forcing cancer cells to commit suicide, researchers have discovered that it also inhibits the development of tumors in the digestive tract, on the skin, colon, lung, and possibly even in the ovaries. [6]

In other words, citral causes cancer cells to self-destruct.

These are just three of many ways to prevent cancer naturally. Following an anti-cancer diet is one of the simplest, least expensive, and most effective ways you can stop the No. 2 killer in the world from claiming your life of the life of your loved one.

Learn more about these herbal extracts – and many more natural cancer prevention treatments – in my groundbreaking book Cancer Research Secrets.  Cancer is a dangerous disease and you must change your health habits in order to prevent it!

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Your smartphone, EMF dangers, and cancer! Thu, 29 Mar 2018 19:53:43 +0000 How much do you know about electromagnetic fields (EMFs)? This is a physical field produced by an object that has an electrical charge. [1] It has been shown to affect the behavior of other charged objects nearby. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space. Why EMFs matter Most of us don’t really think much about […]

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How much do you know about electromagnetic fields (EMFs)? This is a physical field produced by an object that has an electrical charge. [1] It has been shown to affect the behavior of other charged objects nearby. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space.

Why EMFs matter

Most of us don’t really think much about the dangers of EMFs but we should.  The sun emits an electromagnetic field but this (obviously) remains consistent.

What average people need to think about are man-made EMFs.  The objects we all have in our homes, offices, schools, and when we travel.  These sources emit a 50-60 Hz range. [2]

Look around you.  Any device plugged into the wall for power is emitting an EMF.  That means your computer or laptop, monitors, cell phone charger (we’ll get to your cell phone in a minute), lamps, fans, tablets, coffee pot, microwave, television, printer, modem, and on and on.

Keith Scott-Mumby

“You can ‘cut back' your EMF exposure in your own home but if you live here on the planet Earth, it’s nearly impossible to escape it entirely.”

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Experts estimate that those of us living today are exposed to 10 billion times more EMF radiation than people were in the 1960s (less than 50 years ago)!

As you can probably guess, future generations are going to be exposed to even more.

For a comprehensive breakdown of types of EMFs, I recommend Nicolas Pineault’s book The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs because he makes it easy to understand and amusing as well. [3]

Obviously, we’re surrounded by these fields more than any population in human history.

You probably won’t be surprised when I mention that the government does not really regulate these emissions.  As of right now, none of the corporations who make goods that emit EMFs cannot prove conclusively that they’re harmless.  Meanwhile, there are many studies that have pinpointed that these emissions are not safe.

If you can’t prove (clearly) that EMF emissions are SAFE, then you also cannot disprove (clearly) that they are UNSAFE.

Which brings me to another point.  One of the biggest dangers of EMFs is that they cannot be shielded against.  That’s right, no bunker will keep them out because they can (and do) pass through every type of metal (including lead).

The potential side effects of excessive exposure to EMFs:

  • DNA damage
  • Disruption of melatonin production
  • Over-production of calcium
  • Allow toxins to pass the blood-brain barrier
  • Slow cellular repair
  • Raise cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone)
  • Lower glutathione peroxidase levels
  • Lower superoxide dismutase levels
  • Promote clumping in the blood

Perhaps in 1965, the average consumer was exposed to “trace amounts” of EMF radiation in the course of their day.  Maybe 50 years ago, EMFs truly were harmless.

However, since then, a lot has changed on the world landscape.  There has been a technology explosion in the past few decades that has basically blanketed the Earth with electromagnetic fields – without a global solution because the people in charge pretend it isn’t a problem.

The dangers of EMFs and cancer

Alarming research indicates that children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer from the EMFs emitted by their cell phones.  The study is raising fears that today’s young people may suffer an epidemic of the disease in later life. [4]

The Swedish research was presented at the first international conference on cell phones and health. It came from a further analysis of data from one of the biggest studies carried out on the cell phone/cancer link, headed by Prof. Lennart Hardell.

Prof. Hardell told the conference that “people who started mobile phone use before the age of 20” had more than five-fold increase in glioma, a cancer of the glial cells that support the central nervous system.  Before you think taking away the mobile device will fix the problem, you should know that the risk to young people from household cordless phones was almost as great. Cordless phones caused a fourfold increase in risk.

Young cell phone users are five times more likely to get acoustic neuromas, disabling tumors of the auditory nerve that often cause deafness.

Multiple studies have shown that children absorb more EMF radiation (also known as microwave radiation or MWR) than adults. One found that that the brain tissue of children absorbed about two times more EMF than that of adults, and the bone marrow of children absorb 10 times more EMF than that of adults.

However, not a single U.S. health agency is warning about the extra risks to children. Which is ironic, since American kids have more wireless gadgets than any other country in the world!

“Belgium, France, India, and other technologically sophisticated governments are passing laws and/or issuing warnings about children’s use of wireless devices,” the review authors write. [5] They write that EMF exposure limits have remained unchanged for 19 years.

Our concern here is cancer

The alarming evidence is beginning to mount EMF radiation from cell phones is a cause of malignant disease.  Already studies have been produced showing significant increases in problems like leukemia and brain tumors.

I found a compelling double-blind medical study carried out in India in 2005 and published in the Indian Journal of Human Genetics.

The study analyzed micro-nucleated cell damage in blood and buccal (mouth) tissues of people who use their cell phone 1-15 hours a day.  The control group had never used cell phones at any time. DNA samples were coded and scored blindly on a strict protocol.


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Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
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The test results of the Indian study are very significant.  The non-cell phone users had an average of only 4 percent of their cells with DNA damage.  The persistent mobile phone users showed an average of 39.75 percent cell DNA damage. The blood of one 24-year-old male revealed 63 percent micro-nucleated cells. He had used a cell phone for 1-2 hours per day for two years. [6]

The hundreds of types of human cancers have one thing in common — they all begin at the cellular level when DNA genetic material in one or more cells becomes damaged. This damage can be passed from parents, or caused by the effects of an environmental carcinogen.

“Genetic mutations in one single cell are sufficient to lead to cancer,” said Dr. Henry Lai, a well-known scientist at the University of Washington, who has years of genetic and bioenergetics research to his credit. [7]

Prof. Rony Seger, a cancer researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and colleagues exposed rat and human cells to electromagnetic radiation at a similar frequency to that emitted by mobiles. The power of the signal was around 1/10th of that from a mobile.

After just five minutes the researchers identified the production of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) – natural chemicals that stimulate cell division and growth. Cancers develop when the body is unable to prevent excessive growth and division of cells in the wrong place.

Prof Seger said, “The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation. We used radiation power levels that were around 1/10th of those produced by a normal mobile.  The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating.” [8]

There are far too many studies showing this kind of result to ignore the problem. Manufacturers and scientists who say there is no problem are being shockingly dishonest.

What can you do about the dangers of EMFs?

The first thing you have to do is to establish the scale a problem in your environment. There are various ways you can do this using hand-held field detection meters. They’re relatively inexpensive (usually $100 or less online).

These devices allow you to measure the magnetic field or the electrical field. These devices are easy to use (even for non-technical people). Most have a display that will light up if your EMF readings are off the charts. Taking it everywhere you spend a lot of time (home and office, for instance) might make you more aware than you’d like to be.

Again, you can “cut back” your EMF exposure in your own home but if you live here on the planet Earth, it’s nearly impossible to escape it entirely.

For more than 30 years I’ve been advocating the fitting of what is called an EMF demands switch. A device which shuts down electrical supply to the whole house at night when the last equipment and last light are switched off (except for the refrigerator and freezer, of course). Only when someone throws a switch for light does the device allow the resupply of mains electricity. It would allow you to spend your nights without being surrounded by an electromagnetic field.

The dangers of EMFs are (unfortunately) everywhere now. There’s truly not much we can do about that if you choose to live in society.

Knowing about them is critical because more needs to be done to lower mankind’s exposure. This will require those in power to force those manufacturing these sources to come up with alternative solutions.

In the meantime, this makes following an anti-cancer lifestyle even more important!

For every cancer-causing carcinogen (like electromagnetic fields) you can’t fully control, there is a counter (such as eating a diet enriched with anti-cancer foods) that you can completely control.

For more information on practical ways to prevent and overcome cancer download my free special report.

The post Your smartphone, EMF dangers, and cancer! appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Yes! There’s more than one way to beat cancer Wed, 14 Feb 2018 18:15:09 +0000 While there are dozens of natural cancer treatments and three primary conventional cancer treatments (cut, burn, poison), most doctors in mainstream medicine tell cancer patients there is only one “proper” way to treat their disease. Speaking as an M.D., Ph.D., as well as a doctor of alternative and holistic medicine for more than four decades, […]

The post Yes! There’s more than one way to beat cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

While there are dozens of natural cancer treatments and three primary conventional cancer treatments (cut, burn, poison), most doctors in mainstream medicine tell cancer patients there is only one “proper” way to treat their disease.

Speaking as an M.D., Ph.D., as well as a doctor of alternative and holistic medicine for more than four decades, there is one thing I advise every patient I've ever had (no matter the illness):
Try anything and everything.

To me, this is common sense. Doing whatever you can to minimize the negative and whatever you can to maximize the chances of a positive. If you tip the odds even slightly in your favor, eventually you will repel cancer.

The brilliance of complementary medicine

Unfortunately, this isn't how oncologists work.

They'll wave off taking vitamins (without testing if you could be deficient in critical nutrients). They casually dismiss physical and emotional stress as a factor (when it's likely the number one cause in many cases). They tell you that diet is irrelevant (because they don't understand that most disease has a foundation in poor nutrition).


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Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
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They also argue vehemently against any natural cancer treatment or alternative protocol (even if there is nothing at all to be lost and much to possibly be gained by trying it).

Not all doctors are motivated by greed – the money to be gained from these outrageously expensive modalities (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation).

Sometimes, vanity and fear are part of it. They find themselves frightened by the chance that their cutting, burning, and poisoning may turn out to be the wrong strategy after all. That perhaps they will even be dangerous and ineffective (something that statistics prove time and time again to be the case).

Adding several healing modalities – letting them work together – will help you overcome your cancer. By that, I mean both the possibility of increased survival and also a great improvement in the quality of your remaining life.

This is considered complementary medicine – alternative and conventional therapies working together to reach the same goal: protecting and healing your patient. Natural cancer treatments must not be dismissed simply because you choose to take a conventional treatment path! That is an “all or nothing” approach that shortchanges your body's own desire (and ability) to heal!

Your body, your choices, your life

I never argue with patients who opt for chemo or radiation. This is a personal, agonizing choice and it is theirs to make. No matter who you are, it is never an easy one!

However, later I'll talk about ways to use alternative modalities to block the dreadful toxic effects of chemo. This improvement in the quality of life is a very important contribution to real health care and should not be overlooked or denied.

Just to emphasize my point about the two approaches working synergistically, I'll tell you about a significant study which shows that fasting alongside chemotherapy may improve the outcome of this conventional treatment. Fasting seems to help protect healthy cells and help them become as much as 5 times more resistant to chemo than the cancer cells.

It's an animal study but still noteworthy because it backs up everything we alternative doctors have said is critical about diet and cancer. Stressful foods help cancer and a good diet holds it back. Fasting has been shown to be beneficial for humans with cancer.

Nowadays, with our much-improved knowledge of epigenetics, we understand that we can switch off bad genes, including cancer genes, by changes in diet and lifestyle.

Indeed, it emerges more every year that this is rather easy to do. Let's talk about some fascinating ways to increase your sensitivity to chemo (in other words, make it work better).

Making cells more sensitive to chemotherapy

If you choose the chemotherapy route, don't let anyone scoff at you. People do survive with chemotherapy. It doesn't seem to do much good, according to the figures, but you might be among the lucky ones.

It is not my purpose to tell you are foolish to choose that path. It's your call!

Keith Scott-Mumby

“Still, you must remember that chemotherapy agents are known to often cause DNA mutations — leading to cancerous changes at the cellular level. It's such a contradiction!”

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

Still, you must remember that chemotherapy agents are known to often cause DNA mutations — leading to cancerous changes at the cellular level. It's such a contradiction!

This is perhaps the primary reason cancer cells develop “chemoresistance.” They're able to adapt and change, developing new strains that are no longer affected by the drug.

Children who are “successfully” treated for Hodgkin's disease are 18 times more likely later to develop secondary malignant tumors. Girls face a 35 percent chance of developing breast cancer by the time they are 40 (which is 75 times greater than the average).

The risk of leukemia increased markedly four years after the ending of successful treatment and reached a plateau after 14 years, but the risk of developing solid tumors remained high and approached 30 percent at 30 years.

Let's discuss three natural cancer treatments that are able to be used alone (to help prevent cancer in the first place) and in combination with the cancer protocols you choose to follow from your oncologist. None of these modalities are harmful to the patient.

In other words, they can't hurt but they absolutely have the potential to help.

Fish oils

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) concentrated from fish oil was shown to sensitize colon cancer cells to Mitomycin C, a chemotherapy agent.

It should be noted that fish oil also suppresses the formation of prostaglandin E2, an inflammatory hormone-like substance involved in cancer cell propagation. In fact, omega-3 essential fatty acids have long been known to quench inflammation (a condition that is incredibly dangerous for cancer patients)!

In a group of dogs with lymphoma were randomized to receive either a diet supplemented with arginine and fish oil or just soybean oil. Dogs on the fish oil and arginine diet had a significantly longer disease-free survival time than dogs on the soybean oil.


Caffeine, we are slowly realizing, is an extremely healthful substance, despite the unpleasantness of its jag effect. Recently, the use of caffeine as a natural cancer treatment in combination with chemotherapy has been shown to enhance the cytotoxicity of chemotherapy drugs.

Caffeine occurs naturally in green tea and has been shown to improve the anti-cancer effects of tea polyphenols, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

When mice were fed caffeine as a sole source of drinking fluid for 18-23 weeks (they must have been pretty jumpy), it inhibited the formation and decreased the size of both nonmalignant tumors and malignant tumors.

In cancer patients, the p53 gene mutation is one of the most common genetic alterations observed. It may not be causative but is fully involved. Caffeine has been shown to help the destruction of p53 defective cells.

This unique ability of caffeine is the basis of many anti-cancer therapies, aimed at damaging tumor DNA and destroying the replicating cancer cells. Caffeine uncouples tumor cell-cycle progression by interfering with the replication and repair of DNA.


Fasting is a natural cancer treatment that you can use in conjunction with traditional protocols assigned by your oncologist to improve the effectiveness and outcome of your case.

Inducing temporary starvation increases the cells' resistance to stress, which may allow doctors to use higher doses of current cancer chemotherapy treatments to make them more effective.

In the study, researchers studied the effects of starvation on cancerous and normal cells. First, they induced a starvation-related response in yeast cells, which made them 1,000 times more protected than untreated cells.

Then, they tested the effects of fasting on human and cancer cells in a test tube and in mice. The results showed starvation produced between a two-fold and five-fold difference in stress resistance between the normal, starvation-treated cells and normal cells.

In tests with live mice, of 28 mice starved for 48-60 hours before chemotherapy, only 1 died (less than 4 percent). Of 37 mice that were not starved prior to treatment, 20 mice died from chemotherapy toxicity (more than 50 percent).

It would explain why fasting, juicing, and extreme diets could be beneficial. The cancer cells themselves are weakened.

This is critical because chemotherapy kills good cells at about the same rate as bad cells.

It's extremely toxic but if we could increase what is called the therapeutic margin (the difference between the dose which cures and the dose which kills), then it's a completely different game against cancer.

Researchers believe genetic cues prompt starved healthy cells to go into a hibernation-like mode that produces extreme resistance to stress (chemo is stress). Cancerous cells don't obey those cues and remain stuck in growth mode.

Based on my own years of research and success with my patients, I believe the primary reason that fasting is so helpful is that the patient removes stressor foods (intolerances, allergies, junk chemicals, and other poisons).

A final reminder … remember, try anything and everything! Whether you choose traditional protocols or opt to use (or include) natural cancer treatments — you must be in control of your journey.

It's your life, your fight, and you must be part of your treatment every step of the way.

8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer

The post Yes! There’s more than one way to beat cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

The Vicious Cycle: Inflammation and Cancer Mon, 11 Dec 2017 11:16:53 +0000 There’s been a lot of debate recently about the role of inflammation and cancer development, growth, and the way it spreads throughout the body. The conventional medical community makes broad and non-sensical statements such as “the cause of cancer is unknown” and “there’s currently no cure for the disease.” Sure, they say UV exposure causes […]

The post The Vicious Cycle: Inflammation and Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

There’s been a lot of debate recently about the role of inflammation and cancer development, growth, and the way it spreads throughout the body.

The conventional medical community makes broad and non-sensical statements such as “the cause of cancer is unknown” and “there’s currently no cure for the disease.”

Sure, they say UV exposure causes skin cancer and smoking leads to most cases of lung cancer but outside of the obvious culprits, they are clearly lost. What is everyone missing?

The trademarks of cancer

There are six fundamental properties that manifest in otherwise normal cells that provide them with self-sufficient growth, resistance to anti-growth signals, ability to ignore pro-death signals (apoptosis), unlimited replicative potential, the maintenance of vascularization (for food supply), and dysfunctional tumor suppressors (leading to malignancy and metastasis).
However, none of these alone are sufficient for the development of cancer.

There needs to be a shift in the surrounding cells, which may not be cancerous themselves, but create a growth-friendly environment for the tumor to flourish.
Specifically, there needs to be inflammation for cancer to flourish!

Believe me when I say that this is excellent news. Inflammation is relatively easy to prevent and not very difficult to halt if you’re already in an inflammatory state. In fact, an anti-inflammatory state is a natural side effect of a healthy diet and lifestyle.


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Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
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Research over the last two decades has solidified the concept that tumor development and malignancy is the result of processes involving both the cancer cells themselves and non-cancer cells around them, many of which comprise a diverse multicellular mass.

Cancer is an “outgrowth” of normal healthy tissue that has gone off in a different direction. Regulation of growth and multiplication has been lost.

There are four essential phases in this outgrowth process.

1. Predisposition means genetic changes within the “cancer cell,” such as point mutations, gene deletion, amplification, and chromosomal rearrangements leading to irreversible cellular changes and the potential for abnormal growth.

2. Precipitation means certain cells break through and go “rogue.” These will then start to clone. In other words, tumor suppressor genes have failed. The cells are now imbued with certain dangerous tendencies.

3. Prolongation needs encompassing survival factors. It has become clear that surrounding cells need to “enable” the tumor. Inflammation is important at this stage. It means that the immune system has lost the battle, at least for the time being.

4. Progression is the stage where cancer propagates, grows, and eventually spreads. Again, support from the surrounding tissues is necessary, if the cancer is to spread. For example, vascular tissue needs to proliferate, to bring more food to the rapidly growing object, a process called “angiogenesis.” A tumor doesn’t last long without food.

Without all four of these stages in place, working together, cancer either won’t grow or won’t survive. This is where inflammation (and quenching it in your body) makes the most impact!

These connections are not new

The association between inflammation and cancer has been known for a very long time. Continuously abraded wounds (rubbing, as in asbestosis and mesothelioma), localized toxins (pipe smoking or tobacco chewing leading to oral cancers), infections (papillomavirus and hepatitis B and C).

There are a number of specific infections associated with specific cancers such as Burkitt’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma (AIDS), gastric cancer secondary to Helicobacter pylori, and colon cancer triggered by long-standing inflammatory bowel disease precipitated by the intestinal microflora. In the case of ulcerative colitis, which is notoriously pro-cancerous, inflammation of a non-infectious kind.

Situations where the immune system’s inflammatory responses are in over-drive, trying to overcome an assault to the local tissue. There is leukocyte infiltration (invasion of cancer cells into the underlying matrix or the blood vessels) at the site of any chronic irritation.

We are already very clear that cancer follows any immune dysfunction. A flustered, over-worked immune system is not doing its job.

There are also reverse clues. Evidence for the role of inflammation in cancer development has come from the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the prevention of spontaneous tumor formation in people with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP – an inherited disorder characterized by cancer of the colon and rectum).

Joining the dots and interpreting the picture which emerges is not very difficult! Cancers and inflammation are related to epidemiology, histopathology, inflammatory profiles, and the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs in prophylaxis (prevention of disease).

Chronic inflammatory states associated with infection and irritation are well-proven to foster genomic lesions (high frequency of mutations) in cells. One way this occurs is the production of free radicals such as reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI), hydroxyl radical (OH), superoxide (O2), reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI), nitric oxide (NO), and peroxynitrite (ONOO-).

All of these damage DNA and increase the risk of genetic mutations.

Moreover, in the face of massive cell death (as occurs in infection or non-infectious tissue injury), lost cells must be repopulated by the expansion of other cells. There is a risk of these turning wild, in their enthusiastic growth.

It’s important to remember that a competent and not-overstressed immune system is capable of picking off cancer cells and neutralizing them.

We must protect and enhance our immune systems. That includes lowering inflammation in the tissues as drastically as possible. No effort spent lowering inflammation is wasted.

5 tips to reduce inflammation naturally

1. Eliminate pro-inflammatory foods from your eating plan. Foods that cause inflammatory reactions are not the same for everybody. Every person is unique. Avoid all manufactured foods with added sweeteners, hidden trans fats, and other chemicals that your body doesn’t want. Avoid all processed sugar and keep your glucose metrics in a good range (fasting insulin, HbA1C, etc.). If you already have type II diabetes, you already have roaring inflammation going on in your body.

2. Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. Consume adequate omega-3s (these are among nature’s finest anti-inflammatory substances). Eat plenty of fresh fruit, veggies, complete protein (such as whole eggs), nuts, seeds, and other healthy fats. Enjoy nutrient-dense shakes that give you lots of crucial vitamins and minerals in an easy delivery system.

3. Get plenty of quality sleep. Sleeping soundly is vital and you must address any sleep-deficit disorder. This is one of the most powerful (and easiest) ways I know of reducing inflammation. Inadequate sleep has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, rampant systemic inflammation, cancer, mental illness (such as anxiety and depression), and all causes of premature death.

4. Consume anti-inflammatory herbs.

  • Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) has long been recognized for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Also known as frankincense, scientists are studying extracts of Boswellia report that it can switch off key cell signalers and pro-inflammatory mediators in the inflammatory cascade.
  • Ginger (Zingiber Officinalis) has been valued for centuries the world over for its medicinal qualities, including its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and sugar-moderating effects in the human body.
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. The active compound (curcumin) is a mild COX-2 inhibitor but works differently from the prescription-strength drugs (that can increase your risk of myocardial infarction or stroke).

5. You must lose weight or control your weight. Losing weight is essential if you are obese or significantly overweight. Belly fat specifically is highly inflammatory. Regular exercise is critical. Even mild (low-impact) exercise has been shown to significantly reduce your body’s inflammation and cancer risk. Heavy or extreme exercise is actually bad for you (it releases lots of free radicals). Avoid excessive cardio and instead enjoy a relaxing 30-minute walk. Yoga and tai chi are also excellent habits to incorporate into your daily life.

Of course, to truly lower inflammation and cancer risk, you also must stop smoking, regulate your alcohol intake (particularly “hard” liquors), and measurably lower all sources of stress (mental, emotional, and physical).

Lose unnecessary chemicals in your home, yard, and office while you’re at it. This includes home building supplies, feminine hygiene products, and even cosmetics or other beauty items. You’d be shocked to learn how much chemical “soup” we’re swimming in daily.

Start a “fresh” life by addressing (and destroying) chronic inflammation!

8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer

The post The Vicious Cycle: Inflammation and Cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

The 3 real cancer threats you’re facing right now Mon, 20 Nov 2017 15:39:29 +0000 When you think about developing good habits to prevent cancer, you probably consider the “usual suspects” talked about (incessantly) on every information outlet. I’ve covered them extensively myself. Everyone knows about the big ones like the hazards of smoking drastically raising cancer risk (22 percent of all cancer deaths) and irresponsible sun exposure leading to […]

The post The 3 real cancer threats you’re facing right now appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

When you think about developing good habits to prevent cancer, you probably consider the “usual suspects” talked about (incessantly) on every information outlet.

I’ve covered them extensively myself.

Everyone knows about the big ones like the hazards of smoking drastically raising cancer risk (22 percent of all cancer deaths) and irresponsible sun exposure leading to various skin cancers (more cases than all other cancers combined).

These two cancer causes are so well-covered that they’ve become white noise. In a very real sense, they’re back to being “no big deal” to most people again despite being two of the biggest preventable causes of cancer in the world.

Is it really a “fight” against cancer?

In the mainstream medical community, they’re not really fighting. No. They laid down their weapons and surrendered to the enemy in most cases. They won’t even use the word “cure” because the very letters placed in that order (C-U-R-E) scares them to death.

They talk about remission but that leaves their patient forever in stasis – wondering when the other shoe will drop and their cancer will come roaring back.

Too often, this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You worry about cancer coming back, you stress, your body reacts with chronic inflammation, and before you know it, you have a recurrence of your cancer.


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Free Resources

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
Sign up now!

Never doubt your mind’s power to influence your physical body.

Since prevention is not really the forte of most doctors (and certainly not even a blip on the radar of the big pharmaceutical companies), they neglect to give basic advice to their patients that have been proven to prevent, fight, and beat cancer time and time again.

There are three areas – real, effective habits to prevent cancer – that are massively overlooked when medical organizations, charities, and other “do-gooders” talk about the “fight for the cure.”

I’ve written, “Cancer is a wake-up call but it is not a death knell. It tells you loud and clear that something is wrong with your life and lifestyle that has reduced your health and vitality to ruinous levels.”

It’s up to you (not your family, friends, or medical team) to heed this warning.

If you choose to place all your eggs (i.e.: survival) in one basket (i.e.: the cut, poison, burn approach to fighting cancer), then you might well find yourself in the same sorry state as more than 8 million men, women, and children killed by cancer globally every year.

Mainstream medicine follows a script

I’m not going to talk about smoking or being smart about the sun. You know the dangers connected to tobacco use and repeated sun damage! Willfully choosing to ignore them is not the same thing as not knowing and understanding the threats they pose to your health. These aren’t the habits to prevent cancer that I’m talking about here.

What you should know is that every disease on the planet – including cancer – has been endured and survived by people who came before you. Every single disease, every type.

Patients who were “permanently” paralyzed have walked again. Genetic conditions have never manifested in patients despite the certainty of the DNA results. Patients riddled with terminal tumors were found to be cancer-free.

No matter what you’re facing right now, no matter your prognosis, you have just as much ability to overcome disease and injury as the many who came before you.

Your personal path to a cure (not remission) might be hard to find but you cannot quit, you cannot give up. The key for you is out there.

There’s no doubt that it will take dedication to doing what must be done, determination to be the victor and a thick skin for those who will tell you that you’re crazy. Doctors, therapists, and “well-meaning” friends or family who gently (and not so gently) try to discourage you from trying virtually anything to rid your body of a killer.

These things are really “fighting cancer!” Being willing to take up any and all weapons to defend your body against invaders threatening to kill you. That’s the real fight. Refusing to bend or break beneath the pressure, to keep searching, even if you have to do it alone.

Those in mainstream medicine follow a “script” when their patient is diagnosed with cancer. They can get rather pushy in getting you to follow it.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t choose chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery if you think that’s what’s right for you. What I am saying is that you must be the one in charge at every stage.

Even if you’ve already opted for the cut, poison, burn methods – there are plenty of other things you can do right now to improve your chances of beating this disease that few doctors are even discussing, much less explaining to their patients.

In many cases, it’s because the doctors in question are unable to think about any treatment or technique that goes beyond what they were taught in medical school.

In other cases, it’s pure arrogance. A blatant refusal to believe that a natural remedy might make progress where outrageously expensive conventional medicine could not.

It’s not easy to go against the grain

There are even many situations where doctors truly don’t know there are modalities that can be used in place of or in combination with standard cancer treatments!

If they aren’t taught in medical school, if they haven’t seen the research for themselves, or if their questions are met with disdain (or even threats to their reputation) – how can they communicate life-saving information to their patients?

Many doctors’ careers have been ruined (while some, like myself, weathered the attempts) because they searched for a better way.

Let’s talk about three critical habits to prevent cancer that you need to implement right now, immediately. If you hope to prevent this devastating disease from touching your life for the first time, returning to wreck your world again, or shortening what should be a long and happy life – I cannot stress enough that this is where you need to start.

Habit 1: Lose the weight!

I don’t care if it’s not politically correct. Being overweight or obese not only increase your risk of every single form of cancer (it’s connected to 30% of all cancer deaths – equal to tobacco use) – it also significantly increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. In fact, obesity raises your risk of all causes of death and early mortality.

Those extra pounds affect your physical, mental, and emotional self.

Find the method that works for you and stick to it. Get the weight off, keep it off, and give your body a fighting chance to recover from the damage poor nutrient absorption and systemic inflammation has done to your cells. It is no coincidence that the epidemic of a disease has kept pace with the epidemic of obesity around the world.

Habit 2: Adopt a nutrient-rich diet!

Your diet matters! Considering that every system in your body depends on the fuel you feed it, it makes sense that if you put garbage into your intricate biological network, you’re going to cause things to go haywire (sooner rather than later in most cases).

Sometimes, I feel as if I’m banging my head against the wall on this one.

This is not nearly as complicated as most people make it and yet, the majority of doctors don’t even mention diet to their patients! It is mind-boggling! No one talks about inflammatory foods, the troubles with sugars, the effects of GMOs, or that you need healthy fats! Make half your plate vegetables and fruits, a quarter of it good protein, and a quarter of it healthy fats.

There! That’s a simple, cancer-fighting diet!

Habit 3: Repair your mental and emotional health!

Of the many good habits to prevent cancer, this one is almost always overlooked. In fact, while writing this article, I scoured dozens of online articles about cancer prevention to see how many discussed mental and emotional health. It was missing from 99 percent of them and I’d say it’s one of the most important changes you can make to improve your total body health!

Here are five tips for healing emotional and mental wounds or past traumas:

  • Look for your strengths (focus and expand them).
  • Be optimistic (even when it’s painfully difficult).
  • Find your purpose and follow it (journal your plan).
  • Practice gratitude (it causes a positive chemical reaction inside you).
  • Remove toxic people from your life (yes, all of them).

Your physical body cannot prevent or fight disease effectively when your mind and spirit are sick. In my 40 years of practicing medicine, and watching thousands of my patients win their battle against cancer, I found that mental and emotional toxicity was as dangerous in unexpected ways as smoking, tanning beds, or asbestos.

In closing, yes, you need to do all the other stuff, too. Don’t smoke, be careful in the sun, exercise, and sleep. All of those are important but not nearly as critical as the three habits to prevent cancer I’ve talked about here.

Implement them for yourself and please teach your children as early as possible so they can avoid many of the pitfalls their parents and grandparents are facing at plague levels.

It’s never too early – or too late – to get your cancer prevention habits in place.

8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer

The post The 3 real cancer threats you’re facing right now appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

The role of toxic overload in your fight against cancer Wed, 18 Oct 2017 16:19:22 +0000 Every day, your body is attacked by contaminants in the air, water, and soil. They are everywhere and they’re adding to existing problems of poor diet, higher use of chemicals in household products, and even the pollutants found in the beauty products you use. It’s leading to an issue that could be contributing to how […]

The post The role of toxic overload in your fight against cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.

Every day, your body is attacked by contaminants in the air, water, and soil. They are everywhere and they’re adding to existing problems of poor diet, higher use of chemicals in household products, and even the pollutants found in the beauty products you use.

It’s leading to an issue that could be contributing to how you feel right now and how your body defends you from foreign invaders.

Toxic overload — when your immune system becomes critically overworked and overwhelmed — is one of the primary causes of major disease.

  • Cancer
  • Mental disorders (depression, anxiety, and behavioral conditions)
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and so forth)
  • And many, many more …

The harm toxic overload (also referred to as body burden) is doing to your body at this very moment would truly shock you. Identifying it and resolving this hazardous state is the best way to prevent, fight, and beat illness.

For many patients, it may be the only way.

The disease itself or your age when diagnosed are not what blocks your body’s ability to heal itself. On their own, they do nothing to slow or prevent healing. If they did, your body would have broken down a million times over!

Anyone who tells you, “it’s a normal effect of aging” or “this is just part of having (insert disease here)” is lazy! They’re uninterested in solving the underlying cause of your symptoms.

How does toxic overload happen?

Many factors can contribute to your body breaking down and causing critical systems to fail. It’s when too many factors are present at the same time when things get critical!

  • Chemical pollution
  • Poor nutrition
  • Heavy metal exposure
  • Chronic stress (physical or emotional)
  • Undetected infections
  • Unknown parasite or fungal invasions
  • Lack of movement
  • Poor lifestyle choices (tobacco, alcohol, substance abuse)
  • Food allergies or intolerances

Toxic overload tends to happen over decades. Your health condition gradually worsens as your body struggles to keep up with the unending flow of contaminants. Eventually, it falls behind and begins storing the toxins it can no longer process or flush away.

You must use every available weapon to battle disease

You are in complete control of your health. Perhaps you’ve heard that before and thought, “Yeah, sure. I’ll get to work on being healthy.” At first, it might feel urgent but then you get busy and your commitment to better health is set aside.

Maybe a year goes by, a few years, a decade or more.

You take an occasional walk but don’t really stress about regular exercise. You eat a salad once in a while but checking labels or preparing all your meals is a hassle (take-out is so much easier). You still smoke but figure it’s less than you used to smoke so that’s probably good enough.

Your doctor mentions your weight every appointment but you think he or she is being dramatic. Besides, you’re not that overweight and you take medication for your cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, and to help you sleep.

You’ll be fine (your prescriptions will handle it).

There’s one thing you must understand: the majority of pharmaceutical (and over-the-counter) drugs aren’t meant to fix any problem, only suppress your symptoms. In my opinion, this makes about 99 percent of them good for very little. They can also contribute to toxic overload themselves!

Don’t stop taking them unless you talk to your doctor! Why?

Because in order to stop taking medication to control your symptoms, you have to take control and manage those symptoms yourself. If you want to come off heart medication, you need to make heart health a priority. Same for diabetes, sleep quality, obesity, and so on.

If you’re not willing to take charge of your health to lower toxic overload, you probably still need those drugs to help you function. In other words, they’re a backup plan that will (hopefully) keep you from having a heart attack, spiraling deeper into depression, etc.

How does this apply to cancer?

There’s no “magic pill” to prevent cancer. Not in the realm of alternative medicine or mainstream conventional medicine. Most doctors cringe from using the word “cure” in any context because they know they’re not the ones with the power to do it.

Your own body — that intricate network of countless systems running on autopilot day after day — is what holds the key to preventing or destroying disease.

Successfully preventing, fighting, and beating cancer starts at the cellular level.


Did You Know

Free Resources

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby offers his free 8 Steps to Preventing & Overcoming Cancer — plus a weekly newsletter “Medicine Outside the Box” — information that keeps you informed and armed with real, up-to-date, cutting-edge alternative health secrets and news.
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The concept is (surprisingly) simple. Picture your body — your “health network” — as a barrel.

The capacity inside the barrel represents what your body can handle. All day, each and every second, your body is killing bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and mutated cells (that lead to sickness and disease like cancer).

You don’t feel all the possible cancer cells your body destroys. They’re obliterated fully and automatically, millions and millions of times without alerting you.

Symptoms are the overflow of the barrel. As long as your body can adequately manage the pollutants (by flushing them or destroying them completely), there are no symptoms because there’s no overflow. It’s when the barrel fills up too fast (from the causes listed above) that your body goes into toxic overload and the barrel overflows. Then you get symptoms.

To recover from body burden, you must think of the same concept in reverse. It’s necessary to shut down some of the flow into the barrel, giving your body the opportunity to catch up, to get back on track protecting you.

Perhaps this means repairing your diet, lowering stress, or quitting smoking. It could be one or many positive steps to give your body a break — and stop the overflowing barrel that leads to toxic overload. The symptoms will switch off and you’ll feel better.

If they don’t switch off, you have more work to do!

Your body (the barrel) doesn’t have to be 100 percent free of pollutants to keep you from getting sick. You simply have to keep the flow within what it can handle. Your body will heal anything if you reduce the body burden. This allows your natural curative and restorative mechanisms to get back to full function!

Body burden applies to cancer more than any other disease. Our present model of cancer is that we have rogue cells in our bodies all the time. Your fully functioning immune system quickly removes them.

If the immune system is pre-occupied with a tremendous burden of other compromising factors then some of these cancerous cells slip by, escaping the death sentence, and going on to create tumors. Removing the “overtime work” your immune system is doing is crucial to preventing cancer. If you already have cancer, you need to act now to reduce toxic overload.

That’s how you beat disease.

Every person (sick or healthy) can use this simple system to prevent, fight, and claim victory over disease. Let your body do what it does best! Remove the overwhelming toxic burden and let it work!

The post The role of toxic overload in your fight against cancer appeared first on Cancer Tutor.
