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  • assorted spices in spoons

    Betrayed and Persecuted, Royal R. Rife

    Betrayed and Persecuted, Royal R. Rife

    Gerald F. Foye
    ISBN: 978-0965961332
    The material in this book covers the historical background of Rife and his concepts of radiant frequency energy healing.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Biological Basis of Cancer

    Biological Basis of Cancer

    M.V. McKinnell
    ISBN: 978-0521606332
    After introducing students to the basic biological principles of cancer, this new updated edition of an established textbook progresses to the human dimensions of the disease by considering actual cases of cancer. Other chapters discuss cancer pathology, metastasis, carcinogenesis, genetics, oncogenes and tumor suppressors, epidemiology, and the biological basis of cancer treatment.
  • Bringing It Home

    Bringing It Home

    Linda Booker, Blaire Johnson
    BRINGING IT HOME tells the story of hemp: past, present and future and a global industry that includes textiles, building materials, food/nutrition products, bio-plastics, auto parts and more.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer – The Complete Recovery Guide

    Cancer – The Complete Recovery Guide

    Jonathan Chamberlain
    ISBN: 978-0954596019
    This book explores the important place herbs should have in any comprehensive anti-cancer strategy. Many herbs and herbal mixes have powerful anti-cancer effects. This book provides you with the options you should be thinking about. It also discusses the issues and dangers relating to herbs-and the arguments supporting their use in contrast to drugs.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer – The Problem and the Solution

    Cancer – The Problem and the Solution

    Dr. Johanna Budwig, Nexus Hirneise
    ISBN: 978-3981050219
    The statements about essential fats or the life threatening effects of certain fats and their significance for the cancer problem lead to a collision with prevailing opinion. Convinced of her scientific findings on the natural science level, Dr. Johanna Budwig devoted her life to the realization of the validity of her research results for sustaining human life in medicine, and in the process bring about a change in the direction of cancer research and therapy.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Bas...

    Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

    John Boik
    ISBN: 978-0964828001
    Text on the principles by which anticancer agents may work, and on potential use or contraindications. Author is a licensed acupuncturist with a masters in acupuncture and oriental medicine. For oncologists or practitioners interested in traditional medicine.
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    Cancer and Vitamin C

    Cancer and Vitamin C

    Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling
    ISBN: 978-0940159211
    Cancer and Vitamin C explains in plain language the nature and known causes of this disease. It also weighs the value and limitations of various modes of treatment: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormones, immunotherapy, and a number of unorthodox ones. The value of vitamin C as an adjunct therapy is corroborated by detailed accounts of cancer patients who have derived varying degrees of benefit from vitamin C treatment.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Man...

    Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer

    Thomas Seyfried
    ISBN: 978-0470584927
    The book addresses controversies related to the origins of cancer and provides solutions to cancer management and prevention. It expands upon Otto Warburg's well-known theory that all cancer is a disease of energy metabolism. However, Warburg did not link his theory to the "hallmarks of cancer" and thus his theory was discredited. This book aims to provide evidence, through case studies, that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease requring metabolic solutions for its management and prevention.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer Battle Plan

    Cancer Battle Plan

    Anne E. Frahm and David J. Frahm
    ISBN: 978-0874778939
    When Anne Frahm discovered she had cancer, it had already spread from her breast to her shoulder, ribs, skull, and pelvic bone, and had eaten into every vertebrae in her spine.Doctors prescribed the traditional treatments of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but Anne continued to sicken. Yet, throughout the course of her disease the author persisted in researching the connection between cancer and nutrition. She formulated a comprehensive battle plan and within five weeks of implementing it, her cancer disappeared without a trace. She has been cancer-free ever since.
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    Cancer Breakthrough USA

    Cancer Breakthrough USA

    Frank Cousineau
    ISBN: 978-1424344963
    Little-known American Clinics that Turn Around Even "hopeless" Cancer Cases.
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    Cancer Can Be Cured!

    Cancer Can Be Cured!

    Ofm Romano Zago
    ISBN: 978-0981989907
    Father Romano Zago, a Franciscan Friar and scholar, wrote the book Cancer Can Be Cured to reveal to the world an all natural Brazilian Recipe that contains the juice made from the whole leaf plant of Aloe Arborescens and honey that has been shown to rapidly restore the body's health so it heals itself of all types of cancer. The book tells how it was while administering to the poor in the shantytown of Rio Grande dol Sul, Brazil that he and the provincial Father Arno Reckziegel, witnessed the healing of simple people of cancer who used this recipe.
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    Cancer Can’t Kill You: When You’re Al...

    Cancer Can’t Kill You: When You’re Already Dead

    Dr. Kevin S. Connors
    ISBN: 978-1546408895
    We all have one thing in common - we are all terminal. It is when we get lulled into believing that we have a right to experience someone’s definition of happiness on this earth that we are most deceived. Who said you were promised 90 years, a great job, a wonderful marriage, beautiful children and a 401k? These are things that the world promises; they are lies of false fulfillment; they are wells with no water; they are junk food that leaves you fat and hungry for more.
  • Cancer Cant Kill You…Unless you let it

    Cancer Cant Kill You…Unless you let it

    Gary Null Ph.D.
    Everyone needs to arm themselves with the right information to help to protect them against this dreaded disease. Join Gary Null Ph.D. and the world's leading Alternative Cancer Experts to learn powerful strategies to prevent or reverse Cancer.
  • Cancer Conquest: The Best of Conventional and Alt...

    Cancer Conquest: The Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine

    Burton Goldberg, Do No Harm Productions.
    This break-through documentary shows medical advances which save lives. Even late stage cancer can be treated and put into remission, there is always hope. Meet patients given "death sentences" by mainstream oncologists but who are now free of cancer. Meet leading edge doctors, surgeons and professors, working together to create extraordinary medical advances both in Germany and in America.
  • Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore!

    Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore!

    Lorraine Day, M.D.
    Dr. Day developed breast cancer, but refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery, all the methods she was taught during her medical training, because of their destructive side effects. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple, inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body could heal itself. She is now totally well and cancer-free, and it's been 19 years since her tumor first appeared.
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    Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Your...

    Cancer Hacks: A Holistic Guide to Overcoming Your Fears and Healing Cancer

    Elissa Goodman
    The various hacks described in the book are intended to help those dealing with cancer, or those whose loved ones may be facing the battle. Her suggestions are practical and easily incorporated into day-to-day living. Also included is a 7-day cleanse regimen for those looking to reset their bodies and refocus their energies on a fuller and healthier lifestyle.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer Hates Tea

    Cancer Hates Tea

    Maria Uspenski
    ISBN: 978-1624143120
    Become a tea lover with a purpose and help your body defend itself against cancer. Learn to embrace tea in all its varieties? green, white, black, pu-erh, herbal and more?as both a mental and physical experience to protect your health. Discover the history, growing information and health implications of each variety, as well as uniquely delicious methods to boost your intake with serving suggestions, food pairings and recipes that highlight the benefits of tea.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy

    Cancer is a Fungus: A Revolution in Tumor Therapy

    Dr. T. Simoncini
    ISBN: 978-8887241082
    Book describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. At the moment the constant, uniform, and implacable growth of a tumor is in no way affected by current oncological treatments.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Cancer is a Symptom

    Cancer is a Symptom

    Carlos Manuel Garcia M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1475030211
    This book explores the prospect that cancer is merely a symptom and unless you heal the underlying cause, you will never be truly cancer free. We all want good health, which is becoming increasingly more difficult to achieve given our current chaotic society/world. Many are seeking better tools to cope with their ever increasing, fast paced and ever-changing challenges. This book presents a different perspective for addressing and managing the encounters of our daily lives.
  • Cancer is Curable Now

    Cancer is Curable Now

    Marcus Freudenmann, Sabrina Freudenmann, MaxAwareness Pty. Ltd. (Firm), (Firm)
    Watching this movie with your family and friends is a great way to learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. All ages are inspired by this world class documentary because it motivates the younger generation to prevent disease and helps those in need to find a safe and holistic path to health.

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