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    Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know A...

    Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About

    Kevin Trudeau
    ISBN: 9.78E+12
    This is an amazing journey through the behind-the-scenes world of corporate-sponsored 'nutrition' and 'health' as well as providing essential information on natural cures that can change for the better the way you live the rest of your life.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients

    Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients

    Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
    ISBN: 978-0758202215
    Cancer and current cancer treatments wage war on the body, but Russell L. Blaylock - a respected doctor and clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery - has developed an easy-to-follow program to fight back naturally. This book shows how easy it can be to fortify nutritional status during this critical time.
  • Nature’s Answer to Cancer

    Nature’s Answer to Cancer

    Lorraine Rosenthal, Betty Lee Morales
    NATURE’S ANSWER TO CANCER is a 1 hour historical documentary on Laetrile and International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods

    Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods

    Verne Varona
    ISBN: 978-0399162893
    While addressing the specific needs of those with a diagnosis of cancer, Varona explores the key factors that science and experience have shown to influence the path of prevention and recovery. Grounded in documented research from leading medical institutions - along with studies of the world's healthiest populations - nutrition educator Verne Varona has developed a breakthrough nutritional and lifestyle program for immunity building and cancer prevention and recovery.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Rever...

    Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer

    Raymond Francis M.Sc.
    ISBN: 978-0757315503
    In Never Fear Cancer Again, readers will gain a revolutionary new understanding of health and disease and will come to understand that cancer is a biological process that can be turned on and off, not something that can be surgically removed or destroyed with radiation or toxic chemicals.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What

    Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What

    Neil Solomon
    ISBN: 978-1887938907
    During the past three years, renowned medical doctor Neil Solomon has done an intense study on Noni Juice that comes from the tropical fruit Morinda Citrifolia. Dr. Solomon is frequently asked questions regarding the optimal use of noni juice in connection with certain disorders and health conditions. In this booklet Dr. Solomon gives guidance on how much Noni Juice people should drink, how often they should drink it and for what conditions.
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    Nutrition: The Cancer Answer II

    Nutrition: The Cancer Answer II

    Maureen Kennedy Salaman
    ISBN: 978-0913087190
    This landmark publication details numerous and powerful nutritional weapons that can be employed in our ongoing war with cancer. Discover the Bio-X cancer prevention diet, the alternative physician's protocol, and information on the latest alternative therapies for preventing and dealing with with specific cancers. Still twenty years ahead of traditional cancer research.
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    Obesity, Cancer & Depression: Their Common C...

    Obesity, Cancer & Depression: Their Common Cause & Natural Cure

    F. Batmanghelidj
    ISBN: 978-0970245823
    This book, the result of over 20 years of research, looks at the conditions of obesity, cancer and depression through a new physiological perspective and offers a new approach in preventing and treating these conditions
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    One Answer to Cancer

    One Answer to Cancer

    Dr Med Dent William Donald
    ISBN: 978-3744897761
    One Answer to Cancer
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    Outliving Cancer

    Outliving Cancer

    Robert A. Nagourney M.D.
    ISBN: 978-1591203063
    By taking a fresh look at some of medicine's most sacrosanct dictates, Dr. Nagourney has found a better, faster, smarter way to treat even the most complex cancers.
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    Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treat...

    Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments that Work

    Tanya Harter Pierce
    ISBN: 978-0972886789
    Twenty-one different alternative methods are discussed along with real-life stories of people who completely recovered from a variety of advanced or late-stage cancers using alternative approaches. The book explains why alternative methods work better than conventional toxic treatments and presents details about the scientific basis for them, including the amazing formula called Protocel, which has produced incredible cancer recoveries over the past twenty years.
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    Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and ...

    Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and Vitality

    Nathaniel Altman
    ISBN: 978-0892817931
    A revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book that provides a comprehensive view of bio-oxidative therapies in the context of holistic health.
  • Pink Ribbons Inc.

    Pink Ribbons Inc.

    Films Media Group, First-Run Features
    In showing the real story of breast cancer and the lives of those who fight it, Pink Ribbons, Inc. reveals the co-opting of what marketing experts have labeled a "dream cause."
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    Praying Through Cancer

    Praying Through Cancer

    Susan Sorenson and Laura Geist
    ISBN: 978-0849918827
    Praying Through Cancer is a collection of stories by women who have faced cancer and, with triumphant spirits, found comfort and sometimes even joy in the midst of it.
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    Proof for the Cancer Fungus Connection

    Proof for the Cancer Fungus Connection

    Yoseph, James and Hannah
    ISBN: 978-0988820661
    This is a two-part book by the investigative team who delivered, How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time). In Part One, you will discover how fungal toxins (and drugs made from fungal toxins) interrupt normal cell replication and lead to cancer. In Part Two, the current Dark Age of medicine is unveiled with light shed on the process that keeps both patients and physicians in the blind about the causes and cures for cancer.
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    Radical Remission

    Radical Remission

    Kelly A. Turner
    ISBN: 978-0062268747
    In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed.
  • Rethinking Cancer

    Rethinking Cancer

    Richard Wormser, Linda Goldman, James Oakar, F.A.C.T. Ltd.
    Created by the Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT), Rethinking Cancer is a educational cancer documentary film featuring cancer survivor stories that provides a rare look into the psychological and therapeutic journeys of five men and women who used alternative cancer therapies to overcome serious illness. Their cancer survivor stories represent successes that mainstream medicine and the public ought to know about.
  • Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering

    Second Opinion: Laetrile at Sloan-Kettering

    Eric Merola
    Ralph Moss, PhD, a young and eager science writer, was hired by Sloan-Kettering's public relations department in 1974, to help brief the American public on the center's contribution to the War On Cancer. Shortly after starting his position, Moss befriended one of the center's oldest and leading research scientists, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura—an original co-founder of chemotherapy.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Should I Be Tested for Cancer

    Should I Be Tested for Cancer

    H.Gilbert Welch, M.D., M.P.H.
    ISBN: 978-0520248366
    Read this book and you will think twice about common cancer screening tests such as total body scans, mammograms, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests.
  • assorted spices in spoons

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain

    Robert O. Young PhD
    ISBN: 978-1580540568
    SICK AND TIRED? presents the revolutionary theories of Dr. Robert Young, a scientist who has spent years studying how foods positively and negatively affect the body. This book provides a comprehensive view of Dr. Young's research on the advantages of an alkalarian diet and is a wonderful tool to help anyone get back on the road to good health.

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